How To Get Job

The key idea is that getting a job is about convincing someone that you have something valuable to offer. So you should focus on doing whatever employers will find most convincing.

Here are few tips to consider:

1.Make sure your profile is updated.

Having a full and comprehensive profile will avoid the danger of underselling yourself, or not providing enough information to validate a recruiter’s consideration. An unfinished profile is only likely to indicate a lack of effort to prospective employers, and just means you’ll miss out on another way to leave them with a good impression.

2. Tailor your CV for the role

Avoid falling into the ‘one CV fits all’ category.
Instead, target the document for the role you’re going for. And yes, that means writing a slightly new version of your CV and a brand new cover letter every time. No exceptions.

Do some research so you understand more about the company, the industry, and who their key competitors are? Once you’ve learnt all you can, apply this knowledge in your cover letter to help explain why you really want to get the job.

It may take a little more time to write, but if it helps you find your perfect positon, it will be time well spent.

3. Applying for every job you find isn’t always a good idea.

Focus your search on jobs that you’re qualified for. You’ll have a better chance of getting selected for an interview. Sending out random resumes and cover letters is just going to be a waste of time. Before you start job hunting, take the time to decide what type of job you’re seeking.

4. Don’t stop applying for jobs

Don’t stop applying for jobs while you are waiting to hear back from an employer. Learn from your mistakes, and keep applying until you get the right offer.

5. Dress well

Maybe appearances shouldn’t matter so much, but they do. The first few minutes of an interview are when you get to make that critical first impression. Be sure that you’re dressed appropriately for the type of job and company you’re applying to

6. Never say anything bad about a previous employer.

Never say anything bad about you’re a previous employer or co – workers. In fact, one of the most common interview mistakes is badmouthing your boss or co-workers. The first thing the interviewer is going to think about is what you will say about their company when you’re moving on.

7. Send a thank-you note after a job interview.

It’s important to follow-up after a job interview. It’s a way to show your appreciation for being considered for the job. It’s also a way to reiterate your interest and share anything you neglected during the interview.

HR Lanka is simple and creative online job portal which connects employers and job seekers with facilitating employers to find ideal talents to fill their vacant positions in Sri Lanka and Middle East.

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